Four daughters, four quilts

Some years ago, I saw an amazing crazy quilt displayed in the window of an embroidery shop in Melbourne. I was entranced, and promised myself that one day, I too would make a great big crazy quilt. I still have a picture of that quilt on my wall. It was made by Robyne Melia, and a few years ago she sold it for $70,000. Good on her! You can see pictures of her quilt here

 Time passed, and I did indeed make several small crazy quilts, but never got around to tackling the Big One. Then I turned seventy. Maybe the time had come to make my masterpiece?

But wait, I have four daughters - Janet, Liz, Katie and Susie. Who would inherit my wonderful quilt? Much better to make four smaller wall hangings, one for each of them. And anyway, by now I knew I could never equal Robyne's talent and skill with a needle. But smaller quilts - yes, I could probably do that.

Contrary to my usual practice, I began with my youngest daughter, planning to work my way up to the eldest. Susie, when consulted, was very trusting, and just asked for something in purple and aqua.

This is the quilt I made. Detail photos are here

Number three daughter, Katie, wanted "all the colours of the rainbow".

This one was finally finished in October 2012, and won a prize at our local quilt show for Best Use of Colour. More photos here

Number two daughter, Liz, wanted "one just like Katie's". I never wanted to see another hexagon, and told her to think again. After consulting with David, she asked for something with birds on it. Now I can't actually draw for nuts, so the bird illustrations had to be sourced from books or clipart, and adapted to suit my purpose. The result is a varied and quirky collection of avifauna, some of which may bear a passing resemblance to a real bird - but only just!

I started work on Liz's quilt on January 1st 2013, and hope to finish it, and the final quilt, for Janet, by October 2014, in time for the next local quilt exhibition.